Welcome to Teknologue. I am your host, Tekno. I’ve created this blog to gather and share my thoughts on Technology, Silicon Valley, and maybe Venture Capital. If you like what I have to say, keep on coming back - I promise fresh content and interesting stuff. If not, well… uh, enjoy Tech Crunch.
A little about me… I used to work at a top-tier venture capital firm. I am a graduate of a top business school. And, I am not - dunh dunh DUNH - an engineer.
[Screeching record, Crickets, Etc.]
Coders and entrepreneurs, unbunch your panties. Everything will be cool; trust me.
…Where was I? I live in SF. I am married. …So, I am not looking for a lady teknophile. I am, however, looking for a dog - one that would really call into question whether Mrs. Tekno was a beard or not. Or, at least, I would be looking for a dog if my landlord were not bigoted against the canine persuasion.
So, why Tekno? Why not! 1) It’s more fun than my real name. 2) I may just work for or be trying to work for one of the tech firms or VC firms that I talk about on this blog. I’m not really sweating anonymity, however. So, if this thing gets popular, feel free to figure me out. Shouldn’t be that hard to do, and, at some point, I will definitely put my name on this thing.
Anyway… Thank you very much for reading this. Hopefully Teknologue will make you think and make your day a little more enjoyable.
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