Monday, September 8, 2008

Apple: Make this product!

All right. Enough screwing around. On the eve of Apple announcing yet another rev to its iPod product line, I have had it. Let's have some real innovation. I am tired of having a TiVo and an Apple TV. TiVo has offered a great solution, but has failed to innovate. Apple, you offer Apple TV, another great solution, but purposely keep it limited. Come on, guys! There is no reason why you can't provide a DVR. Get over this religious belief that all content has to come through iTunes! People want cable. People want a DVR. Provide it to them and the living room and the next decade are yours.

Apple, you want to change the world again? You want to add billions to your market cap? (...I know I'm tired of your shares hanging sub $180.) Make this product: Apple TV + Apple DVR + Blu-ray. Every household that owns one or more iPods would buy this device. Steve-O, you would be the uncontested Master of the Living Room and Apple would clench its spot as the Microsoft of this generation. As Dan Lyon's points out here, we all know you're a monopolist at heart, baby. Reach on out and grab it.

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